Management Information Sheet

Norfolk School Games - Tell Us What You Think consultation

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 30/11/2021
MI Number:197/21
Publication Date:29/10/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Jo Thompson (01603 228964)
Audience:PE Leads, Senior Leaders, all staff

Norfolk School Games - Tell Us What You Think consultation

Norfolk School Games is a nationally-funded, government-led programme that inspires young people to be physically active for life.

Traditionally this has been through competitions and festivals but we know that the previous offer has not always engaged all young people or been as inclusive as it could be. We also know that those young people that are more vulnerable, for whatever reason, are at a disadvantage when it comes to being active.

This consultation is your chance to help change that. Norfolk School Games wants your help to design an offer that engages all young people in a positive, active experience that supports improved mental health, social development, increased confidence and self esteem, and all areas of health and wellbeing at a time when they need it the most.

They want to design their Norfolk School Games offer to:

  • Have a significant impact on students who could benefit the most
  • Engage with more and different schools
  • Act as a tool to support schools in getting their pupils active

The Norfolk School Games consultation Tell Us What You Think is now LIVE! There are three versions available with separate links for school staff, pupils, and parents/carers. Please share this information so as many people from these different groups can respond and provide their feedback by 30 November 2021.

In addition, if your setting, organisation or any of your partners would like a direct conversation with Norfolk School Games about ways to make this opportunity more inclusive and increase its impact then please get in touch: