Management Information Sheet

Accessibility plans in education settings

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 19/11/2021
MI Number:202/21
Publication Date:05/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Steph Askew (01603 307761)
Audience:Headteacher/SLT/SENDCo/Inclusion Lead

Accessibility plans in education settings

As part of the Equality Act duty, all schools are required to have an accessibility plan. For more information, see Schedule 10: Accessibility for disabled pupils in the Equality Act 2010.

Norfolk County Council (NCC) is committed to ensuring that all children and young people (CYP) attending education settings in Norfolk have every possible opportunity to thrive. For this to be achieved, it is essential that education settings provide inclusive, welcoming and adaptable learning environments that enable the needs of the pupils in their community to be met.

In a recent survey completed by parents and carers of children with disabilities, 76% of respondents said that they had not seen the accessibility plan for their child's setting.

A multi-disciplinary working group has recently co-produced the refresh of our accessibility strategy which sets out what education settings need to do to meet the needs of disabled children and young people. You can read it on the Norfolk County Council (NCC) website.

NCC would like to support education settings with and to raise the profile of accessibility plans. Therefore, we need education settings to tell us what is already in place and what support is needed.

To help us to understand your current situation, please complete this short, quick survey on "Accessibility Plans in education settings".