Management Information Sheet

Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun - HAF codes and booking activities

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 17/12/2021
MI Number:215/21
Publication Date:19/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Big Norfolk Holiday Fun team
Audience:All schools

Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun - HAF codes and booking activities

We have recently issued HAF codes to every school. If you haven't done so already, please pass them onto your eligible families.

The Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun activity programme provides holiday activities for children and young people aged 5-16 (or 4 if your child is slightly younger but in school) in Norfolk.

This winter, the majority of sessions will take place 20-23 December across the county, with a few exceptions taking place the following week.

All children may take part in Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun activities. Some activities are reserved for those with a code, while others have a mix of paid spaces and free spaces. The free spaces are reserved for children who are eligible for means-tested free school meals. Children who do not receive means-tested free school meals can still sign up to many exciting activities for a small fee.

Families should visit Big Norfolk Holiday Fun - Active Norfolk to search and book activities.

There is small entitlement of places available to vulnerable young people. As schools are best placed to identify these children, we are asking you to identify those children that will benefit most from the HAF scheme. Please contact at for the codes needed to book free activities. As there is limited space, codes will be restricted and issued on a first come first served basis.

Thanks as always for supporting us in getting messages about the holiday scheme out to families, we really appreciate your help.

The BNHF team