Management Information Sheet
Education DESTY Briefing Event
Norfolk Virtual School for Children in Care and Previously in Care, and the Early Intervention and Prevention team (Inclusion and SEND) would like to draw your attention to an exciting opportunity to bring DESTY to your school to help you support the emotional heath, well being and resilience of your children.
Initially, we will be holding a virtual information event. This online workshop is organised by Norfolk Virtual School in partnership with Education DESTY.
- Date: 7 June 2022
- Time (click on the relevant link to register for one session):
- Platform: Zoom
- Cost: No Charge
After the workshop, schools who wish to take up the opportunity to use DESTY within their setting can apply for a fully funded place for a member of their staff to become a DESTY facilitator.
In the event of over subscription we will prioritise places to schools with large numbers of children with a social worker and/or receiving support from other family support interventions.