Management Information Sheet

School Workforce Census

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 11/11/2022
MI Number:186/22
Publication Date:18/10/2022 10:00:00
LA Contact:Kate Philpin (01603 306274)
Audience:All schools

School Workforce Census

The school workforce census is a statutory data collection that takes place each autumn. All maintained schools and academies are required to provide the census data. The census collects data on all teaching and support staff in regular employment. It is the DfE's main source of data on staff pay bills, staff turnover and absences and informs departmental policy.

This year, the workforce census date is 3 November 2022 and the deadline for submitting data is 2 December 2022.

Academies are responsible for submitting and approving their own census data.

Local authorities are responsible for co-ordinating and approving the submission of census data for all maintained schools.

Local Authority maintained schools can email once they have submitted their data. The data will be checked and may need amending before it goes to the DfE. Therefore, please can all maintained schools ensure they have submitted their data by 11 November 2022, to allow enough time for the checking process.

Please refer to the Norfolk schools website, which has relevant information on how to prepare for the census. Please note the 'useful links' page, which provides links for specific guidance.