Management Information Sheet
Norfolk Managed Move Scheme Review Working Party
The Inclusion and SEND Team and the Fair Access and Exclusions Team are undertaking a total review of the Managed Move (MM) scheme in Norfolk. We are really excited to begin this process and want to work closely in partnership with schools to develop the new Managed Move Scheme with the aim of implementation in Sept 2023.
Topics to cover will include but are not limited to:
- Sharing of good practice
- Highlighting known issues with a solution focus
- Use of pupil/parental voice
- MM data
- Case studies
- Reasons for and uses of MM
- Efficacy/streamlining opportunities
We are looking for schools and trusts to nominate a member of staff to be part of the working party. We are hoping to involve at least one Secondary School from each of the five Fair Access Panel areas as well as Primary school colleagues. The person who is nominated should have a good knowledge of managed moves and have been involved in manage move trials.
The working party will begin to meet in the first half of the Spring term with the first meeting arranged for Wednesday 1 February at Norwich PDC. The first meeting will be in person and is likely to be an extended one e.g. whole day or half day. Subsequent meetings will be shorter and held virtually on a half termly basis.
Expression of interest can be made via email to our Fair Access Manager Hayley Goodson at (
The secondary Fair Access Panels have already been asked for expressions of interest and it is not necessary for anyone who has already expressed an interest to do so again. We do however ask that this invitation is shared within schools and Trusts.
If anyone wishes to discuss this in further detail please feel free to get in contact with James Cox (Inclusion Adviser, Inclusion and SEND Team) at or 01603 223200, or Hayley Goodson at or 01603 306139.