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Norfolk Schoolfinder

Information about the school

School logo
Cliff Park Ormiston Academy
Mr Harry French
Ormiston Academies Trust (Academy Trust)
Age range
Academy Sponsor Led
DfE Number
Contact details
Cliff Park Ormiston Academy
Kennedy Avenue
Great Yarmouth
NR31 6TA
School & Community Zone
LA Area
North & East
Not Applicable
Councillor division
Gorleston St. Andrews
Great Yarmouth
Graham Plant (Conservative)
Ofsted outcome
Last inspection
Pupil numbers
Number on Roll (January 2024)
Planned admission numbers (2024/25)
Planned admission numbers (2025/26)
SEND Provision
Mixed year groups
School visits
  • Open days
  • Individual visits
  • Open evenings
Transition support
  • Small group visits
  • Transition week
Mental health support
  • Qualified counsellor
  • Mental Health Champion
  • Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA)
Curriculum Offer
Number on Roll (NOR) detail
NOR January 2024
Yr 7180
Yr 8156
Yr 9181
Yr 10146
Yr 11168
Yr 121
Admissions policy

School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)


If the academy receives more applications than there are available places then children with the academy named on an education, health care plan (EHC) or equivalent will be automatically admitted to the academy. If there are still places available, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the oversubscription criteria set out below:

1. Looked after children and those who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after was adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of a local authority, or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (definition used is in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).

2. Children in the relevant age group which normally transfers from primary to secondary school and is living within the catchment area served by the academy, first priority being given to siblings at the time of application. If applications exceed the numbers in any one of these categories, then the highest priority will be given to children living nearest the academy.

3. Children where there is already a sibling currently attending the academy, who is living at the same address.

4. Children of the appropriate age group living outside the designated catchment area, but attending a primary school within the designated catchment area.

Whenever two applicants have the same priority, then the child who lives closest to the academy,  will be given the higher priority. Should the academy still be unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria, places will be offered via a random draw which will be supervised by an individual independent of the organisation.

Show School admission policy : 2025/26 (Proposed)

School admission policy : 2025/26 (Proposed)

 The proposed over subscription criteria is:

 Where the academy receives more applications than there are places available, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the oversubscription criteria set out below.

1. Looked after children and Previously Looked After Children. including those who appear to the academy to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be so as a result of being adopted1. A Looked After Child is either a child who is in the care of a local authority, or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (definition used is in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) Previously Looked After Children are those who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order immediately following having been looked after.

2. Children in the relevant age group which normally transfers from primary to secondary school and is living within the catchment area served by the academy, first priority being given to siblings at the time of application. If applications exceed the numbers in any one of these categories, then the highest priority will be given to children living nearest the academy, as defined above.

 3. Children where there is already a sibling currently attending the academy, who is living at the same address.

4. Children of staff where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post at the school for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

5. Children of the appropriate age group living outside the designated catchment area but attending a primary school within the designated catchment area.

6. Whenever two applicants have the same priority, then the child who lives closest to the academy, as defined above, will be given the higher priority.


If you would like to comment on the above proposed admissions policy please email, letting us know which school's policy you want to comment on, and any comments on it that you would like to share with us.

Show School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)