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Norfolk Schoolfinder

Information about the school

School logo
Wymondham College
Mrs Zoe Fisher
Age range
Academy Converter
DfE Number
Contact details
Wymondham College
Golf Links Road
Morley St Peter
NR18 9SZ
School & Community Zone
LA Area
City & South
Not Applicable
Councillor division
South Norfolk
Margaret Dewsbury (Conservative)
Ofsted outcome
Last inspection
Pupil numbers
Number on Roll (January 2024)
Planned admission numbers (2024/25)
Planned admission numbers (2025/26)
SEND Provision
Mixed year groups
School visits
  • Open days
  • Individual visits
  • Open evenings
Transition support
  • Bespoke Transition package
  • Transition week
  • Swimming pool
  • Sensory offer room
  • Inclusive before school provision
  • Inclusive after school provision
Mental health support
  • Qualified counsellor
  • Mental Health Champion
  • Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA)
Curriculum Offer
Feeder schools
Feeds from
Feeds to
Number on Roll (NOR) detail
NOR January 2024
Yr 7183
Yr 8190
Yr 9203
Yr 10210
Yr 11213
Yr 12213
Yr 13211
Yr 13+11
Admissions policy

School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)


If there is oversubscription in any priority category, places within that category will be allocated according to the order of the subsequent priorities. Any additional “tie break” will be determined by a random lottery conducted by the College under the supervision of an independent person. For Year 12 boarding places all candidates, regardless of priority, need to have met MQS and the subject specific course requirements.

Oversubscription Criteria for Year 7, Year 9 and other Main School Boarding Places . FIRST PRIORITY is given to candidates who are looked after by a Local Authority in England and Wales in accordance with section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989(b) at the time the application is made and those who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order Pursuant of their responsibilities under the Children Act 1989.

SECOND PRIORITY is given to candidates who satisfy Wymondham College that they have a significant degree of boarding need as defined in the Admissions policy. Within this category, priority is given to the children of members of HM Forces who are entitled to a Ministry of Defence subsidy for boarding places.

THIRD PRIORITY is given to candidates who have a sibling who is a student at the College and will still be on the College roll at the time when the candidate, if successful, takes up his/her place. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister sharing at least one parent and who is normally resident at the same address. This includes adopted children and those living in the same home under a recognised fostering arrangement.

FOURTH PRIORITY is given to candidates transferring from a day place at Wymondham College (This priority is not applicable to the initial allocation of places for Year 7).

FIFTH PRIORITY is given the candidates who are boarding students at Wymondham College Prep School.

SIXTH PRIORITY is given to candidates who demonstrate a particular aptitude in music as demonstrated in tests conducted by the College. Remaining boarding places are allocated on the basis of a random lottery conducted by the College under the supervision of an independent person.

Oversubscription Criteria for Y7 Day and other Main School Day Places These criteria also apply if there is oversubscription for any day places that may become available from time to time in Years 8, 9 and 10. Wymondham College does not routinely admit students into Year 11.

FIRST PRIORITY is given to candidates who are looked after by a Local Authority in England and Wales in accordance with section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989(b) at the time the application is made and those who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order

SECOND PRIORITY is given to candidates who have a sibling who is on roll at the College or Wymondham College Prep School and who will still be a student at the College or Wymondham College Prep School at the time when the candidate, if successful, takes up his/her place. If the sibling is in Year 11 at the time of the candidate’s application and has been given a conditional offer of a place in the sixth form, this does not confer a sibling priority on the candidate as there is no guarantee that the sibling will meet the terms of their offer or take up their place at the College in Year 12. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister sharing at least one parent and who is normally resident at the same address. This includes adopted children and those living in the same home under a recognised fostering arrangement.

THIRD PRIORITY is given to students who are day students at Wymondham College Prep School.

FOURTH PRIORITY is given to candidates who demonstrate a particular aptitude in music as demonstrated in tests conducted by the College. There are up to eight places available for music. Remaining Day places are allocated on the basis of proximity to the College. This is determined as the straight line distance between the address at which the child is resident on the closing date for applications and the main entrance of the College using Ordinance Survey data and calculated by the Local Authority School Admissions Department.