Bryan Slater

Director of Education



All Norfolk Schools








This document needs your action as detailed below:




Summary of contents

Covering letter from Adviser for the Promotion of the Arts in Schools.  Flyer from the Arts Council of England.

Associated documents

Application forms on line


6th July 2004

Summary of action required

Decide whether to carry out a school audit of arts provision

Decide whether to apply for Artsmark after reading attached flyer





To be completed by

25th November 2004

LEA Contact

Patrice Baldwin


01603 433276

E-mail address

Norfolk Self Review reference

1. How high are standards?

2. How effective is the school in developing pupils’             attitudes, values and personal development?

3. How well are pupils taught?

4. How good are curricular and other opportunities?

5. How well does the school care for its pupils?

6. How well does the school work in partnership with parents?



Document reference

MI 143-04






“Creativity spurs higher standards – creativity in teaching, creativity in the curriculum, creativity in staffing. A balanced curriculum is central to our drive for higher standards. Artsmark sets a benchmark for arts provision which we hope many schools will aim for." 


David Miliband, Minister of State for School Standards



Dear Headteacher


Artsmark Round 5 – 2004/05


The Artsmark award recognises schools that have made a strong commitment to the arts and that have developed a nationally recognised range of arts provision for their pupils. Awards are offered annually and are valid for a period of three years.  All schools are eligible to apply.


The aim of Artsmark is to encourage schools to increase arts provision to pupils and to raise the profile of arts education across the country. Artsmark publicly celebrates and raises the arts profile of individual schools.  An increasing number of Norfolk schools have successfully applied and 34 Norfolk schools altogether have now been awarded Artsmark (comprising 13 basic Artsmark, 12 Artsmark Silver and 9 Artsmark Gold).   


The fifth round of Artsmark application forms and guidance materials will be available from mid July.   Application forms change each year so make sure you complete the correct form for the year you are applying.  Details of how schools may apply are available on at or by calling the Artsmark Helpline on 0800 0560 196.   The Artsmark site may also be accessed via Esinet.  If you have difficulty downloading the forms then please ring the helpline and not the LEA.  The scheme is managed by Arts Council England. 


The free Artsmark materials will help you carry out a detailed self-audit and self-review of the arts in your school.  They will also provide a benchmark for improvement.  There are three separate application forms: primary schools (with middle schools), secondary schools, and special schools and pupil referral units.  Schools will find the Artsmark audit and self-review process supports school improvement in the arts, whether or not an application is finally submitted.


 Schools are asked for information about:

  management of the arts, including their policy for all the arts in school

  time allocated to the arts in lesson time

  opportunities for pupils to share and celebrate their creative achievements

  out-of-hours arts activities, including levels of participation by pupils

  partnerships with artists and art organisations

  opportunities for the continuing professional development of teachers

Schools are also asked to describe their development targets for the arts, and to provide the names of two independent referees to endorse their application


The closing date for the fifth round of Artsmark is 19th November 2004 The LEA will provide a supporting reference.  Please inform my administrative assistant, Lisa Battle  ( as soon as possible of your intention to apply.  Schools who have not informed the LEA of their intention to apply by the end of September cannot be guaranteed an LEA reference.  


An important course for potential applicants will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 8th September at the Professional Development Centre, Norwich.  This course will be led by Marigold Ashwell, a highly experienced Artsmark assessor and consultant.  Schools considering applying are strongly recommended to attend this course.  Application forms and guidance materials will be available to course delegates on the day but due to tight deadlines schools are likely to have start the process prior to the course. 

Yours sincerely

Bryan Slater

Director of Education