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Norfolk Schoolfinder

Information about the school

School logo
Blenheim Park Academy
Ms Nikki Taylor
Ad Meliora Academy Trust (Academy Trust)
Age range
Academy Sponsor Led
DfE Number
Contact details
Blenheim Park Academy
Lancaster Road
Sculthorpe, Fakenham
NR21 7PX
School & Community Zone
LA Area
North & East
Not Applicable
Councillor division
North Norfolk
Tom FitzPatrick (Conservative)
Ofsted outcome
Last inspection
Pupil numbers
Number on Roll (January 2024)
Planned admission numbers (2023/24)
Planned admission numbers (2024/25)
SEND Provision
Mixed year groups
Nurture provision
School visits
  • Individual visits
Transition support
  • Bespoke Transition package
  • Small group visits
Mental health support
  • Thrive
Curriculum Offer
Feeder schools
Feeds from
Number on Roll (NOR) detail
NOR January 2024
Yr R7
Yr 17
Yr 214
Yr 37
Yr 413
Yr 510
Yr 618
Admissions policy

School admission policy : 2023/24 (Agreed)

Reception aged children are admitted full time in the September of the academic year in which they become five. Children will be admitted in the following order of priority:


  1. Children with a statement of special educational needs naming Blenheim Park Academy.
  2. Children in public care who are due to start school.
  3. Children who are due to start school, living in the area served by the school, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.
  4. Children who are due to start school, living in the area served by the school without siblings at the school.
  5. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission.
  6. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school, without siblings at the school.


If all children within any of the above rules cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school. Distance will be measured on a ‘as the crow flies’ basis using ordnance survey data.

Show School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)

School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)

Reception aged children are admitted full time in the September of the academic year in which they become five. Children will be admitted in the following order of priority:


  1. Children with a statement of special educational needs naming Blenheim Park Academy.
  2. Children in public care who are due to start school.
  3. Children who are due to start school, living in the area served by the school, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.
  4. Children who are due to start school, living in the area served by the school without siblings at the school.
  5. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission.
  6. Children who are due to start school, living outside the area served by the school, without siblings at the school.


If all children within any of the above rules cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the school. Distance will be measured on a ‘as the crow flies’ basis using ordnance survey data.

Show School admission policy : 2023/24 (Agreed)