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Norfolk Schoolfinder

Information about the school

School logo
Glebeland Primary School
Mr Paul Thompson
Age range
Academy Converter
DfE Number
Contact details
Glebeland Primary School
Beccles Road
Toft Monks
NR34 0EW
School & Community Zone
LA Area
City & South
Not Applicable
Councillor division
South Norfolk
Barry Stone (Conservative)
Ofsted outcome
Last inspection
Pupil numbers
Number on Roll (January 2024)
Planned admission numbers (2023/24)
Planned admission numbers (2024/25)
SEND Provision
Mixed year groups
Nurture provision
School visits
  • Individual visits
Transition support
  • Bespoke Transition package
  • Home visits
  • Inclusive before school provision
Therapeutic Offer
  • Lego/Block therapy
Curriculum Offer
Feeder schools
Feeds from
Number on Roll (NOR) detail
NOR January 2024
Yr 17
Yr 32
Yr 44
Yr 55
Yr 611
Admissions policy

School admission policy : 2023/24 (Agreed)

If the number of applications is greater than the PAN of each school, we will use our admissions oversubscription criteria to decide who gets a place. The following details the order of priority for places in the case of oversubscription: 

All children whose Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan names the school; 

Looked after children (children in care) and previously looked after children (children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after); 

Children who live within the designated catchment area for each school site 

Children of staff employed by the school in the following circumstances: Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which application for admission to the school is made, or The member of staff is recruited to the school to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage; 

Children with a brother or sister (sibling) attending the school at the time of application, with a reasonable expectation they will be attending at the start of the new school year. Priority will be given, where necessary, to applications where there is the smallest age gap between siblings. If you have more than one child in the Academy Trust, please name the youngest one; 

Children who do not have a brother or sister (sibling) attending one of the schools in the Academy Trust. Applications in this category will be ranked using the distance criteria described in the tiebreaker

Show School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)

School admission policy : 2024/25 (Agreed)

If the number of applications is greater than the PAN of each school, we will use our admissions oversubscription criteria to decide who gets a place. The following details the order of priority for places in the case of oversubscription: 

All children whose Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan names the school; 

Looked after children (children in care) and previously looked after children (children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after); 

Children who live within the designated catchment area for each school site 

Children of staff employed by the school in the following circumstances: Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which application for admission to the school is made, or The member of staff is recruited to the school to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage; 

Children with a brother or sister (sibling) attending the school at the time of application, with a reasonable expectation they will be attending at the start of the new school year. Priority will be given, where necessary, to applications where there is the smallest age gap between siblings. If you have more than one child in the Academy Trust, please name the youngest one; 

Children who do not have a brother or sister (sibling) attending one of the schools in the Academy Trust. Applications in this category will be ranked using the distance criteria described in the tiebreaker

Show School admission policy : 2023/24 (Agreed)