Management Information Sheet

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applying from 25th May 2018

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:115/17
Publication Date:08/09/2017 12:00:00
LA Contact:ICT Services 4 Education (0845 303 3003)
Audience:Headteacher/Data Manager/All Staff

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applying from 25th May 2018

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will apply in the UK from 25 May 2018, changing the way schools manage and look after data and information, from paper in filing cabinets through to the retention of student/staff records and to monitoring day-to-day activities and security.

It is important that schools are aware of the changes and start planning their approach to GDPR compliance. Failure to comply with GDPR could see large fines issued for your school data controller.

GDPR is a complete change to current data protection and:

  • Strengthens & unifies data management
  • Makes it mandatory to report data breaches within 72 hours
  • Third-party data processors must be GDPR compliant
  • Mandates need for formal contract and/or SLA
  • Issue fines for non-compliance up to 20 million Euro's or 4 per cent of global turnover
  • Gives control to individuals

What are ICT Services 4 Education doing to support you through this change

  • During September/October we will be arranging awareness sessions for schools and Academies. Details of dates and venues are below:
    • 15 Sept - Norwich Professional Development Centre
    • 22 Sept - Kings Lynn Innovation Centre
    • 27 Sept - Norwich Professional Development Centre
    • 9 Oct - Kings Lynn Innovation Centre
    • 11 Oct - Gt Yarmouth Racecourse
    • 16 Oct - South Green Park, Mattishall
    • 17 Oct - Norwich Professional Development Centre
    • 14 November - Norwich Professional Development Centre

    This is a full day session and there is a charge of £100 per person (lunch will be provided). Booking is available via

  • We have procured a GDPR compliance portal service for schools to demonstrate compliance. This will be an optional service available as part of our portfolio.

  • We are working with all our Suppliers to ensure they will be GDPR compliant by May 2018 so we can provide you with this information.

Any queries please contact ICT Services 4 Education on 0845 303 3003 or email