Management Information Sheet

Upgrade to Educator Solutions Budget Software (BPS)

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 06/10/2017
MI Number:129/17
Publication Date:22/09/2017 12:00:00
LA Contact:Finance Support Officer
Audience:Headteacher/Finance Staff

Upgrade to Educator Solutions Budget Software (BPS)

An upgrade to Educator Solutions BPS is now available.

This will include the changes to the Teachers Pay and Conditions document advised by Educator Solutions HR to their customer schools. The version number will update to 2.05 and includes the Educator Solutions Optional Pay Change of 2% on the minimum of the main pay range with all other ranges having the 1% increase.

Those wishing not to use the ESOPS will need to include a manual adjustment on each individual record to ensure monitoring is accurately reflected.

If you have any questions, please speak to your Finance Support Officer in the first instance.