Management Information Sheet

Safeguarding Update - October 2017

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:136/17
Publication Date:13/10/2017 12:00:00
LA Contact:Kelly Waters, Adviser - Education Safeguarding (01603 307729)
Audience:Designated Safeguarding Leads, Headteachers, Governors
Links:Guidance for Schools and Colleges.doc
How to request HSB Case Consultation.pdf
HSB Project Briefing.pdf
Norfolk Prevent Leaflet.pdf

Safeguarding Update - October 2017

Threshold Guide

Further to MI Sheet 103/17, the illustrated Threshold Guide has been revised. This version now includes further detail around what we mean by 'Thresholds of Intervention' and clear descriptors of need, as well as reference to the Assessment Triangle as set out in Working Together. The purpose of these updates is to support professionals to articulate their concerns and work with families to identify solutions that are right for them.

The illustrated Threshold Guide, as well as a Text only version of the Guide in full and the Descriptors (separately), are all available on the NSCB website. Hard copies will be circulated to schools in the forthcoming weeks.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)

Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the Norfolk Youth Offending Team (YOT) have formed a partnership to develop a Norfolk response to HSB. The HSB Team currently comprises of a Specialist Clinical Psychologist and a HSB Specialist. The team has significant skills and experience in working with sexual violence, trauma, sexually appropriate behaviour, child sexual exploitation and harmful sexual behaviour.

The team provides case consultations to any agency/professional where there are worries or concerns around HSB. A Harmful Sexual Behaviour Case Consultation can be requested for any child or young person aged under 18 living in Norfolk or Waveney where there are:

  • Worries or concerns amongst professionals around harmful sexual behaviour, including inappropriate or problematic sexual behaviour which has not resulted in police involvement.


  • Where there has been a Police investigation but there has been a "No Further Action" outcome from the Police but there are ongoing worries and concerns around harmful sexual behaviour

Please find attached a briefing note and further guidance about the team and how to request a consultation.

Prevent Referrals & Contact Information

Please find attached a leaflet summarising Prevent process in Norfolk. Pc Donna Flannagan is the Prevent Officer for Norfolk - her contact details are provided in the leaflet and schools can contact her directly if they are unsure about the Prevent referral process or are unsure if a referral is appropriate in a particular case.

It is important to remember that when submitting a Vulnerable to Radicalisation Form, referrers do not need the permission of the individual or their parent.

Transfer of Child Protection Files

The guidance for schools in relation to the transfer of child protection files has been updated as attached. It has been updated to provide advice about the transfer of child protection information in circumstances where a child is permanently excluded. It is important that the establishment providing all or a substantial amount of a child's education following the exclusion has any child protection records relating to the child as soon as possible. The excluding school should make arrangements for child protection information to be transferred to the education provider as soon as possible - this should not be delayed until after the exclusion hearing or appeal. If an exclusion is not upheld, the education provider will need to make arrangements to transfer the information back to the home school.