Management Information Sheet

2018/19 Budget Share

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:13/18
Publication Date:16/02/2018 12:00:00
LA Contact:Martin Brock (01603 223800)

2018/19 Budget Share

Schools' revenue budgets for 2018/19 will be available online from 23 February 2018.

Please ensure that you view all of the documents relating to the 2018/19 budget, as these all contain important information relating to the budget setting process. The documents are:

  • Schools Budget Share
  • School SEN Memo
  • Nursery Memo
  • Memorandum Items (De-delegation)
  • Indicative Energy Charge Memo
  • LAC Pupil Premium (Password protected)

Additional documents:

  • Budget Share Guidance Part 1
  • Budget Share Guidance Part 2
  • Inflation Document

If you have general finance or budget planning queries please contact your Finance Support Officer in the first instance.

If you have a query regarding how a specific funding factor has been calculated please contact one of the Education Funding team:
Martin Brock (
Samantha Williams (
Lorraine Ereira (