Management Information Sheet

Election of Parent Governor Representatives on the Area Partnerships

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 06/07/2007
MI Number:106/07
Publication Date:16/06/2007
LA Contact: kirsten francis ( 07769742621)
Audience:Parent Governors

Election of Parent Governor Representatives on the Area Partnerships

Election of Parent Governor Representatives on the Area Partnerships

In MI Sheet 73/07 in issue 205 of e-courier on 27 April 2007 the Norfolk Governors' Network (NGN) asked for nominations from parent governors to fill two posts as parent governor representatives on each of the five Area Partnerships. The response has been varied and the action required in each area is given below. Where there are unfilled vacancies, the regulations state that NGN will appoint a parent governor to this post. If you are a parent governor and wish to register an interest in taking on this role or to find out more about what is involved please contact Kirsten Francis or Judy Leggett whose contact details are given below.

Area Results and Action Required

Central Area
Three nominations have been received and an election is being held. Only parent governors in the Central Area can vote in this election; click here to view information about candidates and to find how to place your vote. The closing date for voting is Friday 6th July 2007. The results of the election will appear on e-courier and on the NGN website.

Northern Area
Paul Gaida and Tracy Johnson have been appointed by the NGN.

Southern Area
Fiona Drew and Christine Rodic have been appointed by the NGN.

Eastern Area
One nomination has been received and so Shaun Thompson is duly elected to this post.Anjali Stringer has been appointed by the NGN.

Western Area
There are two vacancies. Any parent governors in the Western Area who are interested in taking on this role or who want to find out more about what is involved please contact Kirsten Francis or Judy Leggett whose contact details are given below.

Further Information
Further information can be found on the NGN website.
Further information about the Norfolk Children and Young People's Partnership can be found on the Every Norfolk Child Matters Website

If you have any queries, please contact the Children's Services Parent and Carer Involvement Officer, the Chair of the NGN County Committee or the Clerk of the NGN whose details are given below.

Please bring this to the attention of your governing body and we look forward to receiving your governing body's nomination.

Chair of NGN: Judy Leggett - 30 Garrick Green, Old Catton, Norwich, NR6 7AL Tel: 01603 429986.
Clerk of NGN: Clare Simmons - 4, Hunt Close, Old Catton Norwich, NR6 7EZ Tel: 01603 466741.
Children's Services Parent and Carer Involvement Officer Kirsten Francis on Tel: 07769742621.