Management Information Sheet

Finance Consultative Group

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:58/18
Publication Date:20/04/2018 12:00:00
LA Contact:Martin Oswick (01603 307758)
Audience:Finance Staff, Business Managers, Headteachers, Chief Finance Officers, Governors & Trustees

Finance Consultative Group

In the Autumn of 2010, the LA held a series of "Schools in Financial Difficulty" briefings that were attended by senior leaders, governors and school finance staff. These led to the formation of some Task and Finish Groups undertaking a variety of work-steams – one of which was specifically looking at financial management issues and the support and information made available to schools on this topic. Following the success of this work-stream, the Finance Consultative Group was formed, and it was decided that it would become a stakeholder group to continue its work as a sub group of Schools Forum, to which is reports. It has continued to meet ever since, having representation from school leaders, governors and school finance staff in all sizes and phases of schools.

The Finance Consultative Group has supported the work undertaken by Schools Forum and worked together to ensure that financial services to schools have worked effectively to improve the service offer and to ultimately improve outcomes for children and young people.

From 1st January 2018 it was agreed that the Finance Consultative Group would no longer continue under its current format, but would develop into a standalone user group.

Previously the stakeholders of the group consisted of representation from Schools Forum affiliated bodies e.g. NPHA, NGN etc. and representatives would come from LA maintained schools only. Moving forward, we would like to enhance the good work of the group and extend membership to any educational establishments and anyone who has a financial responsibility e.g. Headteachers, Finance Staff, Governors, Trustees, CFO etc. Therefore, membership will not be limited to maintained schools but will encompass academies and free schools too. This will help us provide a financial service that meets the needs of schools and academies through the ever-changing environment in education finance.

The group meets once every term and your valued input would be fundamental in us enhancing our financial services to schools and academies. Finance & Business Services is a traded service within Educator Solutions and our vision continues to be the same as we have previously acknowledged – To provide services that enable the best educational outcomes and experiences for children and young people.

The group will next meet on Wednesday 13th June. If you feel you would like to be part of the Finance Consultative Group and its development moving forward please contact Martin Oswick, Finance Team Manager on 01603 307758 or alternatively email Martin Oswick for further information.