Management Information Sheet

Finance & Business Services New Designated Contact Details

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:64/18
Publication Date:27/04/2018 12:00:00
LA (01603 307758)
Audience:Governors, Headteachers, Finance Staff

Finance & Business Services New Designated Contact Details

The Finance & Business Services Team has released a new designated contact number and a new designated email address for all customers to use to reach the team for support, advice and guidance.

For all telephone enquiries please call 01603 307758 - office hours are 0900-1700 on Mondays to Thursdays and 0900-1630 on Fridays.

This new telephone number replaces the current individual telephone extensions for your Finance or Academy Support officers, and allows any queries to be dealt with more efficiently and proactively to further enhance our existing service to our valued customers.

Please now direct all email enquiries to

This new email address replaces all other group emails previously used by the Finance and Academy Support Teams.