Management Information Sheet

Norfolk SEND High Needs Top-Up Funding - Timeline and Application Process to 31st March 2019

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:66/18
Publication Date:27/04/2018 12:00:00
LA Contact:Steph Askew (01603 307761)
Audience:Headteachers, Principals, SENDCOs, SENCOs, Chair of Governors

Norfolk SEND High Needs Top-Up Funding - Timeline and Application Process to 31st March 2019

This update provides a timeline and initial guidance for schools and academies regarding the new process for applications for:

  • Top-up Funding for Pupils with EHCPs in Mainstream Schools (including Academies)
  • Norfolk Inclusion Investment Fund for SEN Support

1. Timeline

Date Action/deadline/event
15th May VS SEND meeting with colleagues who have expressed an interest in supporting the development of the application form and process.
25th May Guidance published.
Application Form live on Perspective Lite.
15th June Deadline for applications to be submitted.
Applications in June 2018 will focus on Pupils with EHCPs.
25th June Moderation Meeting to moderate all applications submitted for Top-up funding.
w/c 2nd July Feedback to Academies/Schools.

If you are interested in attending the application meeting on 15th May, places are limited, please email Wendy Rudd (Projects Manager) at

The application form will remain live unless updated and applications can be submitted at any time throughout the financial year.

Colleagues attending the moderation meeting on 25th June who have a teaching commitment and want to make a supply cover claim will be asked to submit a supply cover invoice.

Please be aware that the deadline for applications in the autumn term 2018 is 9th November 2018.

2. Initial process details for Norfolk SEND High Needs Top-Up Funding

  • June 2018: the allocation priority will be for children and young people with EHCPs for the period 1st October 2018 to 31st March 2019 (allocations will be based on 6/12 of the Financial Year).
  • November 2018: allocations will continue to prioritise children and young people with EHCP’s but will also include children and young people requiring inclusive, innovative investment solutions at SEN Support level (allocations will be based on a pro rata basis up to the end of the Financial Year).
  • Funding decisions regarding allocation could include:


3. Exceptions to the termly process of applications

Newcomers to the county or those children/young people in YR, Y3 and Y7 with SEND that arrive at the start of the Academic Year without prior notice will be treated as 'unexpected' cases and applications for funding for these individuals will be reviewed on a regular case by case basis.

'Unanticipated arrivals' via the School Admissions Team, Fair Access Protocols or EHCP Direction Letters will be seen as unpredicted cases and will be reviewed on a regular case by case basis.

In both scenarios above, the Application Form for Top-Up Funding will need to be completed in full.

Please note for transitional cohorts/year groups, the published deadlines will apply.

If the child or young person moves school or is permanently excluded the Head Teacher/Principal must inform the VSSEND within 5 working days to enable the Finance Team to action necessary measures to enable the funding to follow the child or young person if required.

Financial Clause:

The money allocated is for the support of the named child/children or young person/people applied for.

The allocation may be audited for accountability purposes and to ensure funding allocated has made an impact.

4. Further information

Further information and guidance to assist schools with the process will be available following the meeting on 15th May 2018.