Management Information Sheet

Norfolk High Needs SEND Top-Up Funding: additional clarification regarding pupils accessing SRB placements.

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:91/18
Publication Date:08/06/2018 12:00:00
LA Contact:Wendy Rudd (01603 307742)

Norfolk High Needs SEND Top-Up Funding: additional clarification regarding pupils accessing SRB placements.

Further to the issue of MI Sheet 82/18, please note the additional information relating to pupils placed in SRB's.

If a child is attending an SRB on a full-time basis and is on roll at the school additional funding cannot be applied for. This applies to those children attending an SRB for ASD.

If a child is attending an SRB on a temporary placement then additional funding can be applied for but can only be applied for to take account of the time spent in the home school (usually one day per week).