Management Information Sheet

Message from Chris Snudden

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:115/18
Publication Date:20/07/2018 12:00:00
LA Contact:Chris Snudden
Audience:All staff

Message from Chris Snudden

Dear Colleagues

As the summer break fast approaches I want to wish you and your staff well for a restful and much deserved summer break. Every year seems that bit tougher, more challenging, more demanding, more complicated. However our education system in the county continues to go from strength to strength. We have maintained the strong Ofsted profile in the county across Early Years, schools and colleges. There is much excellent and outstanding provision. No Norfolk Looked After Child has been excluded in two years. Primary outcomes improve again this year. In spite of the challenges - which we all know only too well we end another year with a positive Norfolk education landscape.

For me some positive highlights include the Norfolk Boarding Partnership, which recently showcased Norfolk and only Norfolk nationally for education boarding placements as an alternative to care.

Most recently a paper to Children's Services Committee signals a positive proposal to make a significant capital investment in SEND provision.

Over the last eighteen months I have worked with my colleagues to revise our education services and five new services were launched in January of this year, to sit alongside Educator Solutions. At the heart of those services is our commitment to support, challenge, and where needed intervene in relation to the most vulnerable children and young people in our county. As many of you know one of those services has been headed up by Mark Adams who both leaves the education services in Norfolk, and indeed the country, after many years as a Norfolk Leader. Since being appointed as Head of the Education Vulnerable Groups Achievement and Access Service Mark has established this completely new service, developing a brand new Virtual School for SEND and implementing a daily Inclusion helpline. Mark will be a hard act to follow and many if us will miss him greatly. I am delighted to welcome Stuart Mason as the new Head of Service from August 1st. Stuart brings considerable experience as a school leader and a passion for inclusion.

Have a great summer and I hope you have time to relax and enjoy some of the amazing weather we are experiencing.

Chris Snudden
Assistant Director Children's Services, Education