Management Information Sheet

Traded Attendance Service

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:2/19
Publication Date:11/01/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Attendance Team (01603 223 681)
Audience:All staff responsible for pupil school attendance
Links:Launch feedback form.docx
Traded Attendance Service Packages 2018 to 2019.pdf

Traded Attendance Service

During December 2018 we offered you all an opportunity to come and hear about our newly launched Traded Attendance Service. It was lovely to see so many of you and we hope we answered all your questions. For those of you who were unable to attend on either launch date below is a summary of what we presented.

Attendance Service survey outcome

Key outcomes:

  • 174 schools completed the survey
  • From the responses received the results showed that overall, schools rated the subscription service including the Attendance Toolkit & Advice line as the most important proposed offer from the Attendance Service
  • Schools also indicated that termly network meetings would be beneficial, with in-school advice and support being the least required
  • The majority of responses indicated that training for legal intervention including the Fast-Track process and the use of FPN’s was a priority, with 60% of schools requesting this

Our services explained

Free of charge

What will remain free and available to all schools in line with our statutory responsibilities:

  • We will continue to consider an Education Supervision Order instead of or alongside a prosecution
  • We will continue to provide support and advice for cases which are being prepared for legal action
  • We will continue to consider prosecuting a parent under Section 444 of the Education Act in cases of poor school attendance
  • We will continue to play our part in the identification, tracking, monitoring and re-engagement of Children Missing Education

The Attendance Team will remain available to contact for advice and guidance on any of these areas on the Duty Line: 01603 223 681.

Traded activity

All other services provided by the Attendance Team will fall under our traded activity. This means that the Attendance Team will be unable to answer any other enquiries relating to attendance e.g. register codes, stuck cases, policy and procedure, etc. unless your school has bought into the traded service. This will come into full effect from Monday 14 January 2019.

Down to the detail:

  • All our services and products will be available to purchase either through the subscription packages or as a one-off purchase
  • All services and products are available to purchase through the Educator Solutions site
  • Our subscription year will run from September to August
  • All services and products are now available to purchase, and any subscription will run from January to August in the first instance

The Traded Attendance Package brochure is attached, with a feedback form that the team would appreciate you completing and sending back. We really value your feedback and want to develop the Traded Service in line with your requirements.