Management Information Sheet

2018 -19 School Balances - Request for Additional Exception

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 28/02/2019
MI Number:5/19
Publication Date:18/01/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Finance and Business Services Team (01603 307758)
Audience:Headteacher/Governors/Finance Staff

2018 -19 School Balances - Request for Additional Exception

Below, for your consideration, are details of the process for schools to request an additional surplus balance exception together with the timescale for the information to be submitted.

  1. Instructions for 2018-19 Balances Additional Exception
  2. Valid Reasons List for 2018-19 Balances Additional Exception
  3. Blank Application Form for 2018-19 Balances Additional Exception
  4. Example Application Form for 2018-19 Balances Additional Exception

Any application must be completed and returned to Paul Harker, Finance Team Manager, Finance and Business Services Team, Room 047 County Hall, no later than the 28th February 2019. Any applications received after this date cannot be considered.

It is possible to also email the completed form to the contact details included within this MI Sheet.

If you require any support or have any queries, please contact your Finance Support Officer in the first instance.