Management Information Sheet

Pupil Premium and PE Sports Premium Spending Analysis

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:6/19
Publication Date:18/01/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Finance and Business Services Team (01603 307758)
Audience:Headteachers/Governors/Finance Staff
Links:EXAMPLE Template PP and Sports Premium Analysis 18-19.xlsx

Pupil Premium and PE Sports Premium Spending Analysis

In addition, updated requests will be required throughout the financial year of 2019-20 to support monitoring and reporting of school information to governors and other stakeholders.

This process has been agreed in consultation with members from the Finance Consultative Group who support the requirement to understand the spending of these grants across the Local Authority schools.

Prior to the financial year end the LA will release a link to the schedule of grants which will be available via the MySchool portal.

(Attached is an example schedule for your review)

We will require schools to populate the return with how the spending has been committed across the year to date and link notes where possible to the requirements of the elements of spending.

The return captures already defined areas where most of schools have utilised the spending of both grants against, with the ability to add more if required. This schedule can be used to update governors and other stakeholders at key points in the year to ensure the monitoring of the grant is fully considered and linked to the budgetary implications within your school’s setting.

There is the ability to fully utilise the department coding within the accounts and budget software to support future analysis of this grant and completion of this schedule.

Once the schedule is fully completed we will be expecting all maintained schools to submit this request and we will send reminders to those which may not have met the deadlines outlined.

The schedule will be a developing item which will retain previous data entered to support the time taken to complete.

If you have any queries with the process, the level of detail or what is expected then please do not hesitate to contact your Finance Support Officer in the first instance.