Management Information Sheet

School term and holiday dates 2020-2021

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:10/19
Publication Date:25/01/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Caroline Money (01603 228828)
Audience:All schools

School term and holiday dates 2020-2021

Thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation on school term dates for 2020-2021 held in November & December last year. Local Authorities have a duty to set the school term dates for local authority maintained schools, such as community and voluntary controlled schools. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year and 195 days for teachers.

We received 53 responses during the consultation. Of the responses, 68% agreed to the proposed term dates and 19% disagreed; and 53% agreed to the proposed staff training dates and 36% disagreed.

The Norfolk Calendar for 2020-21 school term dates has been agreed and is available on the County Council website here. The calendar also determines the days on which school transport will be provided.

The governing bodies of Foundation, Voluntary Aided Schools, Foundation Special and Free Schools and the Trust of each Academy continue to have the opportunity to consult on a different pattern. However, they must bear in mind the need to minimise the impact on families, potential additional transport costs and the value of aligning term dates with our neighbouring counties. In practice, most of the schools in Norfolk, use the same term dates as the Norfolk Model Calendar.

The documents and reports linked to this consultation can be found on this link: