Management Information Sheet

Changes to the way NCC manages its land/buildings leases

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:24/19
Publication Date:22/02/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Chris Hewitt (01603 223451)
Audience:Finance Staff, Headteachers

Changes to the way NCC manages its land/buildings leases

Norfolk County Council (NCC) is changing the way that it manages leases and has appointed NPS Property Consultants Limited (NPS) to act as its collection agent. This new arrangement will apply where NCC is the landlord under a lease and will see NPS raising invoices for rent and other sums due from tenants. NPS will collect the money on NCC’s behalf and will then remit the funds to NCC so that it can be coded to the appropriate cost centre. Where schools currently collect rent from tenants occupying school premises (where NCC is the landlord on the lease) they will need to stop raising invoices from the launch date (currently estimated to be 1 June 2019 but to be confirmed in due course). The income will continue to be coded to the school cost centre as currently. NCC will be writing to affected tenants shortly, and I attach a copy of the letter template for your information. Please do not share this with any tenants, as the letter will be tailored for each specific lease. Please don’t hesitate to contact the NCC project manager, Christopher Hewitt, if you have any queries regarding the new arrangements.