Management Information Sheet

Revised information regarding SEND funding Summer Term 2019

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:34/19
Publication Date:01/03/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Wendy Rudd (01603 307742)
Audience:Head teachers, Principals, SENCOs, Inclusion Leads

Revised information regarding SEND funding Summer Term 2019

This communication provides a revision to the banding rates for children and young people with an EHC Plan in mainstream schools/academies and those with high needs at SEN Support.

Arrangements for Summer Term 2019 funding

There will be one funding round for the summer term, with a one term allocation and banding arrangements will continue as before.

  • Banding rates applicable for the summer term 2019
  • The rates equate to 5/12ths funding and cover the period April to August 2019.

    Band 1 £562.50
    Band 2 £933.33
    Band 3 £1,685.00
  • EHCP applications
  • We will automatically allocate EHCP funding based on the EHCP band that you previously submitted. You will not be required to re-apply unless the banding level has changed.

    An updated EHCP application form will be available on Perspective Lite during w/c 11 March 2019.

    You will need to complete this form if a child/young person you received funding for last term is:-

    • no longer attending or has left the school
    • has a change in banding level, or
    • you have any new pupils with EHCPs that you wish to include

  • SEN Support applications
  • Please apply for pupils with high needs SEN Support requiring top up funding using the SEN Support application form, which will be available on Perspective Lite w/b 11 March. Previous versions of the form will not be accepted

Summer Term Timeline:

Event Date
Deadline for Summer applications Friday 10 May
Process Applications w/c Monday 13 May
Moderation w/c Monday 20 May
Feedback to schools w/c Monday 3 June

Banding values and descriptors for Summer term applications:

Band Descriptors for High Needs SEND Top-Up Funding
'Targeted additional support staff curriculum time' includes either one to one supervision or bespoke/small group interventions with an enhanced adult to child ratio.
  • the school making all necessary 'reasonable adjustments'
  • the school implementing provision that is 'additional to' or 'different from' that already available to meet the needs of the majority of children/young people
  • the school maximising the use of the school's core offer as part of the Norfolk Local Offer
  • the school maximising the use of the Norfolk Local Offer
1. High Needs/Medical Needs
  • The child/young person requires up to approximately 50% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum
  • The child/young person requires monitoring due to their medical needs during curriculum time, break and lunchtimes
2. Higher Needs/High Medical Needs
  • The child/young person requires at least 50% but not more than 100% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum
  • The child/young person requires close supervision due to their medical needs during curriculum time, break and lunchtimes
3. Exceptional Needs/Extreme Medical Needs
  • The child/young person requires 100% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum plus full-time additional support staff time to enable their access to break and lunchtimes or for close supervision due to their medical needs

For any funding queries please email

Please look out for further up-dates during March 2019.