Management Information Sheet

Applying for Post-16 School and College Transport

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 29/03/2019
MI Number:48/19
Publication Date:22/03/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Karl Buffin (01603 223405)

Applying for Post-16 School and College Transport

Applying for Post-16 Transport - September 19

Please can you highlight to your year 11 students and their families the importance of considering how they will get to college/ sixth form from September.

All local bus and train operators offer discounted tickets for students which are really good value, or they can apply for help with transport from Norfolk County Council.

Norfolk County Council operates a post16 travel scheme which offers travel support to students who study at school sixth form, sixth form colleges and further education colleges.

If students are attending a school sixth form transport will most probably be on the existing school buses but we still require an application.

For further information please visit our website - Post-16 Travel Scheme .

We can accept applications for September 19 after Easter and we would encourage applications to be made as soon as possible after this date.

It is not necessary for a student to wait for their GCSE results in August before they apply.

It is far better to apply earlier so the transport application can be processed in time and a bus pass sent out before the start of term.

If they change their mind later in the year or when results are out this is not a problem, we can update our records and if they still qualify for transport assistance issue another pass. If you decide to cancel the application that is fine too and we can issue a refund.

Please see the link to our transport application: Post-16 Transport Application

Any help you can provide in publicising this message would be greatly appreciated.
Travel and Transport Services
Norfolk County Council