Management Information Sheet

Element 3 Funding (High Needs) Arrangements for the academic year 2019/2020

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:146/19
Publication Date:27/09/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Alison Toombs (01603 307723)
Audience:Headteachers / Principals / SENCos / Inclusion Leads / SEND Governors

Element 3 Funding (High Needs) Arrangements for the academic year 2019/2020

This communication provides information on the next phase of implementation of the funding application process for children and young people with an EHC Plan in mainstream schools/academies and those with high needs at SEN Support and a reminder to schools and academies regarding arrangements and actions required for the autumn term 2019.

Virtual School SEND, update on SEND funding processes

  1. A summary to date
  2. Last year, following consultation with a cross section of stakeholders, a banding system for children and young people with EHC Plans was implemented with effect from the beginning of October 2018.

    Since then the Virtual School SEND have:

    • administered and, in response to feedback, further developed 5 high needs SEND top up* funding rounds
    • allocated funding to 2834 pupils in the 6 months from October 2018 to 31 March 2019 and 2419 pupils in the summer term 2019 to date
    • visited schools to provide advice and support
    • introduced termly SEND Forums
    • hosted funding workshops, with more planned for the autumn term
    • reviewed and updated the Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS) document in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders
    • attended regional and national SEND conferences and events

    *please note the term 'top-up' will be replaced with 'Element 3' funding in future documentation

  3. Current position
  4. The VS SEND are currently working as part of the wider SEND Transformation Project scrutinising and reviewing the present funding system based on feedback and information gathered from stakeholders and the funding working group during the last academic year.

  5. Next steps
  6. To ensure that the funding model aligns with the SEND Transformation Project we will continue to run the current processes for element 3 high needs top up funding for the autumn term 2019. This will allow us sufficient time to engage further with our partners and stakeholders to ensure we work collaboratively to develop the optimal SEND funding process. Comprehensive information about the current process to assist schools can be found here.

  7. Actions for schools - autumn term funding 2019
  8. Banding values applicable for the autumn term 2019

    The rates equate to 4/12ths funding and cover the period September to December 2019.

    Band Value
    Band 1 £450.00
    Band 2 £746.67
    Band 3 £1,348.00

    When will schools need to fill in an application form?

    For the autumn term:

    • " EHCP funding has automatically been allocated based on the most recent band submitted
    • " SEN Support top up funding has automatically been allocated to those pupils who received funding in the summer term 2019 and based on the band agreed by the moderators

    Schools will only need to complete an application form for EHCP or high needs SEN Support top up funding if:

    • pupils have NOT previously received funding through the high needs EHCP/SEN support process
    • a pupil's banding has changed
    • a pupil has left
    • a pupil has joined

    Leavers and Joiners

    Any pupil previously in Year Groups 2, and 6 and due to transition to a new school phase in September 2019 or in Year 11 last term have automatically been removed from the funding list. Schools will not need to inform us of these Summer term leavers. Although you will need to let us know if any pupils in these groups are staying with you and why.

    For pupils who transitioned to new settings in September (Year 3's and Year 7's), it is important that schools treat these as joiners and let us know by completing an application form.

    The application forms have sections covering these criteria, please ensure you complete the relevant section. Previous versions of the form will not be accepted.

    Timeline of events

    Event Date
    Deadline for applications Wednesday 30 October
    Processing applications Wed 31 October
    Moderation w/c Monday 11 November
    Feedback to schools w/c Monday 2 December

    Banding descriptors and values for the autumn term 2019

    Band Descriptors for High Needs SEND Top-Up Funding
    • 'Targeted additional support staff curriculum time' includes either one to one supervision or bespoke/small group interventions with an enhanced adult to child ratio.
    • Despite:
    • the school making all necessary 'reasonable adjustments'
    • the school implementing provision that is 'additional to' or 'different from' that already available to meet the needs of the majority of children/young people
    • the school maximising the use of the school's core offer as part of the Norfolk Local Offer
    • the school maximising the use of the Norfolk Local Offer
    1. High Needs/Medical Needs

    " The child/young person requires up to approximately 50% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum

    " The child/young person requires monitoring due to their medical needs during curriculum time, break and lunchtimes

    2. Higher Needs/High Medical Needs

    " The child/young person requires at least 50% but not more than 100% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum

    " The child/young person requires close supervision due to their medical needs during curriculum time, break and lunchtimes

    3. Exceptional Needs/Extreme Medical Needs " The child/young person requires 100% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum plus full-time additional support staff time to enable their access to break and lunchtimes or for close supervision due to their medical needs £1348.00
  9. Dates to note:

SEND Forums

SEND Forums for the autumn term are being held at locations during November 2019 For more information and to book a place on any of the above please email or go to

Whole School SEND

We will be working with Whole School SEND over the next year and will provide more information in relation to this in due course.

For any general funding queries please email: