Management Information Sheet

Budget Planner & Teachers Pay Grant Update

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 29/11/2019
MI Number:151/19
Publication Date:04/10/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Finance & Business Services Team (01603 307758)
Audience:Finance Staff / Headteachers / Governors

Budget Planner & Teachers Pay Grant Update

Educator Solutions LA Budget Planner

Following the recent communication regarding the increase in teachers pay to 2.75% (2% had already been included in the software) the following steps are required to the budget planner.

Via the budget planner, you are required to select the salary costs update from the upgrades drop down menu. You will then be presented with a number of options. For the majority of schools, please select option 1. If you are unsure which option to select, please return to the staffing summary tab on the main menu and at the bottom of the screen will illustrate which option has previously been selected. Once you have selected the appropriate option, you will then be required to recalculate your staffing forecasts. Select yes to this option but depending on the number of staff forecasts you have this process may take 20 minutes to complete.

For future years, a 2% inflation increase year on year has been included for teachers and support staff.

Teachers Pay Grant

The teacher pay grant funding rates per pupil have been updated to reflect the additional 0.75% teachers pay award. (2% was deemed to be affordable as set out in the Schools Cost Technical Note which was already included in the budget planner).

Please follow the link below for further information and rates applicable to your school.

Please update subjective code 98935 Teachers Pay Grant (CFR I01) to reflect the increase in funding rate. This should only be actioned if you have updated your salary costs.

Schools have already received the first instalment in their April download and we are expecting that the second instalment will include the updated rates which will be released either in the October or November download.

Our guidance is to only include the teachers pay grant in the 2019-20 financial year similar to the teachers pension grant although there is mention that this may also be continuing for the financial year 2020-21, with a revised rate.

Educator Solutions Academy Budget Planner

For those academies that follow the Educator Solutions Optional Pay Scales (ESOPS), please run the Ctrl+Shift+H functionality to update your staffing costs. Those academies that don’t follow ESOPS, will need to manually update your payscales.

For future years, a 2% inflation increase year on year has been included for teachers and support staff.

Please contact the Finance and Business Services Team for further information