Management Information Sheet

Consultation on Admission Arrangements to Schools in Norfolk 2021/22

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 02/12/2019
MI Number:164/19
Publication Date:25/10/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Eric Clarke (01603 223489)
Audience:Headteacher/Chair of Governors

Consultation on Admission Arrangements to Schools in Norfolk 2021/22

Norfolk County Council is consulting on proposed admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2021/22 and on the co-ordination schemes that will apply to all Norfolk Schools via our Norfolk Admissions Consultation 2021-22

All appendices are accessible from this consultation and also are accessible on Norfolk Admission Arrangements 2021-22

The consultation closes on 2 December 2019. Following the consultation the proposed admission arrangements will be referred to the Cabinet Member for determination.

Summary of consultation for the school year 2021/22

A summary of the main changes can be found below:

  • No changes proposed to Admission Co-ordination and timetables for 2021/22
  • Proposal to continue in-year co-ordination for Norfolk schools for 2021/22

Schools are strongly encouraged to alert parents to the consultation by including the details in their newsletter and on their website.

All other admission authorities (Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Trust schools and Academies and Free schools) are required to consult on any changes they wish to make to their admission arrangements. Consultation must take place between 1 October and 31 January and must be for a minimum of 6 weeks. Any changes to these schools' existing policies must be detailed on the school's website inviting comments on the proposals. Those proposed arrangements must then be formally determined by the governing body for voluntary aided, trust and foundation schools and by the academy trust for academy and free schools by 28 February. Even where no changes are proposed the admission arrangements must be determined by the appropriate body.

A copy of all determined admission arrangements should be sent to Admissions Team for display on School Finder.

The County Council will also display admission arrangements for own admission authority schools who wish to use this facility.