Management Information Sheet

Element 3 Funding arrangements for the spring term 2020

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:171/19
Publication Date:08/11/2019 12:00:00
LA Contact:Alison Toombs (01603 307723)
Audience:Headteachers, Principals, SENCos, Inclusion Leads, SEND Governors, Finance Officers

Element 3 Funding arrangements for the spring term 2020

We would like to thank all the schools and academies who have supported the Virtual School SEND to look at revisions to Element 3 funding to date, as part of the SEND and AP Transformation Programme. We have received a wealth of feedback from stakeholders and users which is informing our next steps. We are grateful to those education settings who have registered their interest in taking part in devising and testing new elements of the revised process; further information will follow.

As the above work continues, we would like to inform education settings of arrangements for Element 3 funding for the next term, up to the end of the financial year 2019/20.

Please note:

  • The Authority will carry forward current SEN support and EHCP pupil allocation of Element 3 funding into the Spring term 2020. This includes decisions made for new SEN Support applications submitted 30 October 2019, which are scheduled to be moderated during week commencing 11 November 2019
  • Similarly, any cases that have been allocated Exceptional Circumstances funding during the Autumn term, will be carried forward to the Spring term
  • Newly identified SEND support and EHCP pupil requests for Element 3 funding, including exceptional circumstance funding will continue within the current process

Applications for High Needs SEN Support funding deadline Friday 7 February 2020
Moderation of applications w/c 24 February 2020
Feedback to schools w/c 16 March 2020

Spring term Element 3 allocations (one quarter of the year, for example, Jan, Feb, March)

Banding Funding allocation
Band 1 £337.50
Band 2 £560.00
Band 3 £1,011.00

Many thanks for your continued support. Should you have any queries regarding any of the above information, please contact the Virtual School SEND: