Management Information Sheet

Barclays notification of using your online Barclays card

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 13/01/2020
MI Number:11/20
Publication Date:17/01/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:James Stanford (01603 222550)
Audience:Schools finance

Barclays notification of using your online Barclays card

For the attention of all our schools using Barclays Online Banking

Many schools now have the ability to process online payments.

Having this facility requires users to be more careful storing your Card and memorising your PIN number and not sharing this with anybody else.

However, we have become aware that some of the authorisers has shared their card and pin numbers with their finance person to authorise any payments they make.

To eliminate any fraud which may happen in the future, this kind of behaviour (allowing someone else to share your Card and PIN number) CANNOT be accepted.

Therefore, any indications that any user is using someone else’s Online Banking Card will result in the cards being disabled immediately, stopping access to all online Banking services.

Also, any cards that haven’t been activated within 30 days, will automatically be removed from the system.

To activate your card

Please confirm receipt of the card by sending an email to The title of the email must be ‘Barclay Card Activation’ and the only content of the email should be your name, and the last 4 digits of the card number. Once we have received this email, we will register your card and email you to confirm activation).

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Schools Finance on 01603 307 758