Management Information Sheet

Changes to Early Years Funding Formula

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 06/03/2020
MI Number:41/20
Publication Date:06/03/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:John Crowley (01603 222557)
Audience:Early Years Providers (Leadership)

Changes to Early Years Funding Formula

In recent months we have informed you there will be a consultation in relation to the funding formula; regrettably, this will no longer be possible within the timescales available.

The period of purdah prior to the general election has contributed to the difficulties we have had in undertaking the consultation within the necessary timescales. Please be assured we have been actively looking at this funding and have published a Cabinet Member decision to uplift the current rate from April 2020 in line with the 8p per hour additional funding that will be received from the Department of Education. This decision can be found here:
Norfolk County Council's Delegated Decisions.

Please note that the decision can only implemented once the call-in deadline of 4pm on Friday 6 March 2020 has passed (as per the Council's Constitution).

Over the next 12 months we will consult with all early year's providers to review the arrangements.

We acknowledge the uncertainty that has been caused by the delays in advising you of the final rate for 2020/21 and apologise sincerely for being unable to confirm the rate until now. Whilst the timeline for the decision is in accordance with DfE requirements, we are aware that the uncertainty has held back your planning for the next financial year.