Management Information Sheet

Critical incidents, bereavement and trauma update during Covid-19

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:55/20
Publication Date:01/05/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:Dr Bianca Finger-Berry (01263 739064)

Critical incidents, bereavement and trauma update during Covid-19

Support for schools, academies and early years settings

We would like to remind you all about critical incident support available to your settings. This support is offered in relation to bereavements, but also other incidents. The current situation can also be traumatic for leaders and other staff, and we wanted to remind you that you can access support from us:

At times, as leaders and other staff, you may feel as if you are in shock, you may feel helpless. You may feel fear, sadness or anger. Often physical reactions such as tiredness, sleeplessness, bad dreams, headaches and short tempers may follow. These are normal reactions to abnormal events. As the adrenaline drops, fatigue may set in. Give yourself a break. Try not to bottle up your feelings, it is important to talk others, whether that is family members, or colleagues via telephone or virtual platforms. If your school has access to counselling via an employee support programme - make use of it. Don't be embarrassed if you feel upset - it's okay.

Be kind to yourself, give yourself some time, and ask for help if you need to. Don't try and do everything yourself - delegate where you can. Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy yourself. Use relaxation exercises if they help. Do some physical exercise, spend some time in the garden if you can. Make sure you get enough sleep, a good diet and regular exercise. Give yourself the same care and consideration that you give to others. Time spent looking after yourself is time well spent.

Feel free to get in touch for any advice or support:


We are going to be offering weekly webinars on a number of topics, these are free to all LA schools and academies buying into Critical incident support, and suitable for teachers and support staff:

Date Course Booking link
Wednesday 13 May Supporting bereaved children
Wednesday 20 May Understanding self-harm and suicide prevention (free to all)

Training events will continue every Wednesday morning after half-term, please check the Educator Solutions site for future training events.

Information for schools and families

We have updated our EPSS website: with Covid-19 specific information. Please just click on the Covid-19 Bereavement banner, or access it via the information for schools button.