Management Information Sheet

The Norfolk Schools website is changing

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 26/05/2020
MI Number:62/20
Publication Date:15/05/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:CS E-Publishing team
Audience:All users of the Norfolk Schools site

The Norfolk Schools website is changing

On 26 May the Norfolk Schools website will change to the Schools and Learning Providers website for all education staff.

We have simplified the design, which we hope will make it easier for you to find the information you need, the display will adapt better to different size screens such as mobiles and smaller laptops or tablets, and it will work better with accessible technology such as screen readers.

Please update any bookmarks you have – as moving the content to a new platform means these will be broken after 26 May. The homepage address will stay the same -

There will be links at the bottom of pages where you can tell us about any content that might be missing or out of date and we welcome your feedback about how we can improve the site further.