Management Information Sheet

Ash dieback disease update May 2020

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:65/20
Publication Date:29/05/2020 12:00:00
LA Contact:Arboricultural and Woodland Team
Audience:All schools

Ash dieback disease update May 2020

Since the disease was first recorded in 2012, ash dieback disease (ADB) has unfortunately caused the decline and death of many of our county's ash trees. There is no known cure, but resistance to the disease varies with some individual trees displaying, as yet, little or no infection while others can die within 12 months of the initial infection. Dead or dying trees become brittle and are more likely to shed branches or even fail at the base.

We have been contacting all Norfolk Schools since 2017 to remind them to monitor any ash trees within their school grounds for signs of decline. This is important to ensure the safety of all school users and is best carried out between mid-June and mid-September when the trees are in full leaf. Please look at our updated ash dieback addendum to ensure you are confident in identifying ash trees and assessing their condition. Please pass this on to your colleagues, especially caretakers or grounds staff, who may be most familiar with your school grounds.

Arboriculture & Woodland Team
Norfolk County Council