Management Information Sheet

SFVS submission reminder

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 28/02/2021
MI Number:9/21
Publication Date:22/01/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Finance & Business Services Team (01603 307758)
Audience:Headteacher/Finance staff and Governors

SFVS submission reminder

Please can I remind schools that the mandatory Department for Education deadline for submission for Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) is 31 March each year. However, as in previous years we have introduced an unofficial submission deadline of 28 February each year. This will enable the LA to identify any schools that are not on track to meet the official 31 March deadline and implement any targeted support that may be required.

Please ensure that both the dashboard and the completed questionnaire are submitted. When completing the dashboard please ensure that the 2020/21 year is selected to ensure you are reviewing the most up to date data.