Management Information Sheet

Growing in Grief Awareness - Audit Tool and Support

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 31/03/2020
MI Number:11/21
Publication Date:22/01/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Dr Bianca Finger-Berry
Audience:Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Senior Mental Health Lead

Growing in Grief Awareness - Audit Tool and Support

Sadly we know that many children at this time have experienced the death of a loved one. Schools have a vital role to play in supporting bereaved children, and maybe now is a good time to review your provision and the support you offer. We would like to promote the Childhood Bereavement Audit Tool and will provide some free additional support and advice to any LA school and academies accessing the Critical Incident Service.

Please use the attached audit tool. Once you have assigned a senior member of staff it will be important that they are able to engage the school community including staff, governors, parents and children and young people.

As you work through the audit tool, assign a rating to each of the indicators (fully met/partly met/not met), summarise the evidence and if an indicator is partly met or not met, think about what action you can take. Please contact me if you would like any advice in terms of the actions you can take and further resources you can access.

Once you have rated each indicator, you will be able to download a logo showing that your school is Growing in Grief Awareness.

I would really appreciate if all schools who have completed the audit tool could let me know.

For further guidance, please click here.