Management Information Sheet

Health and Safety Guidance Updates

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:77/21
Publication Date:14/05/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Kelly Massey (01603 638360)
Audience:All schools

Health and Safety Guidance Updates

Following recent updates in government guidance and in line with the next phase of the governments roadmap we have recently reviewed and updated the suite of health and safety guidance as follows.

Compliance Code and Main Risk Assessment

  • Secondary school pupils no longer need to wear face coverings in and around school. However, adults are still required to wear these in all schools in areas where they cannot maintain distance e.g. corridors.
  • Domestic overnight educational visits are now permissible. However, there are a number of restrictions and controls needed. Visits must be organised in a way that maintains school bubbles with a limit on bubble size to 30. The maximum number that can share a bedroom or dormitory is 6 and staff must have their own room. All the control measures relating to distancing, ventilation, hygiene and cleaning must be stringently followed. For assistance and support with your visit risk assessment please contact
  • The size of groups you can provide wraparound care for is now dictated by your risk assessment and ability to implement controls. The use of outside space is still preferable over inside space.
  • Performances can take place following the rules for performing art. Performances delivered remotely either by pre recording or live streaming remains the preference.
  • Transition events, tasters and open days can take place but they should be arranged in such a way that the system of controls, including bubbles, are not compromised.

These changes do not come into effect until 17 May. All other measures not mentioned above remain in place including:

  • The requirement to wear face coverings for anyone age 11 or over on school and public transport (except where exemptions apply)
  • Maintenance of bubbles throughout the school day including where in person assemblies or collective worship occurs
  • Applying social distancing both within and between bubbles as much as is possible
  • Staff applying social distancing
  • Limiting the use of changing rooms as much as is possible e.g. by pupils wearing PE kits to school and throughout the day

Further information has also been provided to support ensuring there is adequate ventilation.

Infection control measures still apply to anyone who has recently tested negative or has been vaccinated. Neither tests nor vaccination are a guarantee that a person does not have the virus and therefore they may still be able to transmit to others.

Summary Risk Assessment

This document helps you provide a summary of all the measures being taken in a digestible format for staff and others who may wish to see it. It has been updated to reflect other document changes.

First Aid Guidance

The derogation previously in place regarding renewal of first aid certification no longer applies. First aiders will need to ensure they achieve requalification as soon as possible.

PPE Guidance

Sessional use of PPE is no longer recommended.

Your Health and Your Safety

The main changes document relate to: shielding advice, supporting colleagues who may be at an elevated risk because of their ethnicity, information about how to safely use face coverings and notifying your manager when you have symptoms in order for work related close contacts to be advised.

Management of Cases

  • New requirements relating to contact details for every visitor or other users of the site over the age of 16. This also includes information on the accurate details which should be recorded by the premises. Updates have been made to how data is stored and disposed of.
  • QR Code poster to be displayed for any activity or provision where members of the public take part or make use of the setting including visitors to the school. Information is provided on where to access the poster.
  • Asymptomatic Testing is now available for all adults and children years 11 and over and although testing is voluntary Headteachers should be encouraging everyone to participate. In line with government guidance a confirmatory PCR test is necessary within 2 days of a positive LFD result.
  • Norfolk Outbreak Management Centre (NOMC) operational hours now include Sat, Sundays and bank holidays 9am to 1pm.

We know that some of you have been asking about some specific activities that you are planning for the summer term and beyond such as proms and transition days. The measures outlined above are not likely to be reviewed until the week preceding the next stage of the Government roadmap (21 June) we cannot therefore be certain of the controls that will be required at that point. Please be cautious when planning such events and activities, there is likely to be some infection control measures still required. Under the current rules events like discos cannot go ahead and any gatherings need to comply with the relevant guidance such as hospitality, performances etc.

The following COVID-19 documents have also been updated to reflect the changes in the Compliance code:

  • COVID Secure Declaration for Primary and Secondary Settings
  • Hire and third party use - school premises risk assessment form
  • Educational Settings Management Planning checklist
  • Cleaning and disinfection - supplementary information for Educational Settings

The following new forms have also been added:

  • COVID-19 General Risk Assessment Form: This should be used to record activities where a template is not specifically provided for example, Educational Visits and Performances.
  • COVID 19 - Third Party Premises/Activities COVID secure declaration form: For completion by third party providers to support your risk assessment for using other premises and providers including for Educational Visits.