Management Information Sheet

NHS Core Provision Offer to Schools

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:111/21
Publication Date:25/06/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Claire Jones (01603 224331)
Audience:Head teachers, SENDCos

NHS Core Provision Offer to Schools

This document outlines the core provision available from NHS professionals to support the health needs of children in schools. It outlines the range of commissioned specialist advice, training and support available to school staff and the direct therapy interventions that are available for children and young people (CYP) within mainstream and complex needs schools. It also provides information on additional advice, training and support that schools can commission independently, should they wish. It provides a framework to underpin safe practice for school staff in providing care to pupils within the school setting.

A multi-disciplinary child health team, including Paediatricians, Therapists, Clinical Psychologists, Dieticians and Specialist Nurses such as Health Visitors (HV), School Nurses and Community Children's Nursing Teams (CCNT), provide intervention and review for CYP with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and should contribute to supporting key transition points, including to adulthood.

The outlined provision will also support all schools to deliver the appropriate 'reasonable adjustments' and to work closely with these pupils, their families and the relevant health professionals to ensure pupils reach their full potential within the 'Every Child Matters' outcomes.

The objective of the document is:

To ensure that all children with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, are properly supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.

(Supporting Pupils at school with medical conditions, Department of Health 2014)

The information in the document was collated by NEL Commissioning Support Unit (March 2017). It has been updated by Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group (NWCCG) (Oct 2020 & June 2021).

A link to this document is available on the Schools and learning providers website.