Management Information Sheet

Improved access to INTRAN interpretation services and FREE use of Language Line

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 25/06/2021
MI Number:112/21
Publication Date:25/06/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Tanya Ingram (01603 303339)
Audience:Head teachers, SLT, DSLs, Inclusion Leads, EAL Co-ordinators

Improved access to INTRAN interpretation services and FREE use of Language Line

Norfolk County Council schools

You are already able to access interpreting and translation services through INTRAN. There is therefore no membership fee, but there is a charge for each service. (face to face interpretation, telephone interpretation , written translation and British sign language and lip speaking)

To gain immediate access to your school's INTRAN ID code, which is required to book services, you can now either:

Academies and Free Schools (non-LA schools)

You are also able to access INTRAN services and can secure membership at preferential rates. If you already have INTRAN membership you can also click on the new INTRAN link on your school's MySchool section of the Norfolk Schools website to access your INTRAN ID code. Otherwise, to set up membership, either:

  • Contact your MAT/Academy Trust to join their existing subscription if they have INTRAN membership already, or to arrange this for your academy / MAT
  • Contact to discuss membership options

FREE use of Language Line for all schools

The EAL Advisory service are continuing to offer access to INTRAN's free telephone interpretation (Language Line) to support EAL children and families with the transition back to school post COVID. This will continue into the new academic year. To access this service please contact or

There is a limited budget for this service, so we request that schools only use this for short, essential calls of 15 minutes max. There will be a charge to schools if the limit is exceeded without requesting permission from the EAL team. Using any other INTRAN ID Code (if known) will be outside of this offer and fully charged to your school.

If your school has no immediate access to INTRAN and require a longer, urgent call e.g. for admissions or safeguarding meetings, then please contact in order for us to facilitate this. There will be a charge and we urge you to set up your own membership with INTRAN for future usage.

Many schools who had never used Language Line before, have reported how simple this was to use and how pleased they were by the positive impact this communication had on relationships with their EAL families.

'Using Language Line has allowed us to demonstrate the respect that all our parents deserve by giving them equal access to communicate with school staff, which in turn has developed better relationships, shared understanding and raised the profile of families with EAL across our schools in general.' - Nelson Infants and Wensum Junior school