Management Information Sheet

Extension of the role of the Virtual School Head to include children with a social worker

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:114/21
Publication Date:25/06/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Harriet Tunnicliff
Audience:All schools

Extension of the role of the Virtual School Head to include children with a social worker

The Department for Education announced on the 16 June 2021 how local authorities should extend the current responsibilities for the Virtual School Head to include becoming a strategic lead for promoting the education of children with a social worker. The duties will come into effect from September 2021 and will be in addition to the support that can already be accessed under existing local authority duties. This is in addition to the existing statutory duties for looked after and previously looked after children.

Which children are included within the guidance?

Children with a social worker refers to:

  • Children who have been assessed as being in need under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 and currently have a social worker.
  • Children who have been assessed as being in need under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 and have previously had a social worker.
  • It covers all children who were assessed as needing a social worker at any time due to safeguarding and/or welfare reasons, which includes those subject to a Child in Need plan or a Child Protection plan.

The age range covered is from 0 to 18 years of age in all education settings.

Why has new guidance been issued?

This cohort has been identified as a group of children who face significant barriers to education as a result of experiences of adversity and trauma, most commonly abuse and neglect.

What will the new duties be?

The new duties will help to:

  • make visible the disadvantages that children with a social worker can experience, enhancing partnerships between education settings and local authorities to help all agencies have high aspirations for these children.
  • promote practice that supports children's engagement in education, recognising that attending an education setting can be an important factor in helping to keep children safe from harm.
  • level up children's outcomes and narrow the attainment gap so every child can reach their potential. This will include helping to make sure that children with a social worker benefit from support to recover from the impact of COVID-19.

What will not be included within the new duties?

The Virtual School will not duplicate support available to children under existing local authority duties. The guidance makes clear what will not be expected of Virtual School with this extension of duties, which include:

  • work with individual children and their families - including tracking and monitoring educational progress of individual children or providing academic or other interventions.
  • respond to requests from parents or carers to offer advice, intervention and support in relation to individual children with a social worker.
  • take responsibility for children with Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) who do not require or need a social worker.

What actions will the Virtual School be taking to meet these new duties?

We will be using our network within Norfolk to map provision and identify how we can contribute and build upon current support. We will be exploring opportunities to use our current knowledge to reduce the barriers to education for this cohort through sharing of best practice. We will be working with our partners both regionally with other Virtual Schools and nationally with the information provided by NAVSH (National Association of Virtual School Heads) to inform our planning.

We are looking forward to working collaboratively with our colleagues in the local authority, education leaders and beyond to promote the educational outcomes for children with a social worker and supporting them to reach their full potential. Please contact with any queries you may have at this time.