Management Information Sheet

NPQ Scholarships

MI Sheet TypeCPD
MI Number:121/21
Publication Date:02/07/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Sarah Shirras
Audience:All schools

NPQ Scholarships

As part of the government's long-term education recovery plan, £184 million of new funding for the reformed suite of NPQs was announced on 2 June 2021 to be spent over the course of this parliament. Yesterday (1 July 2021) the DfE announced the new NPQ scholarship criteria.

You can read the funding criteria on GOV.UK, alongside information about each qualification. We hope that eligible schools take advantage of this opportunity.

  • NPQ in Leading Teacher Development
  • NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture
  • NPQ in Leading Teaching
  • NPQ in Senior Leadership
  • NPQ in Headship
  • NPQ in Executive Leadership

In addition to the reformed suite of NPQs, the DFE is introducing an Additional Support Offer (ASO) for new headteachers from autumn 2021. This is a targeted support package for teachers new to the role of headship. You are eligible for this targeted support package if you meet the following criteria:

  • Are in your first 24 month of headship
  • Work in a state-funded school in England upon starting the training
  • Have either completed an NPQH before taking up your first headship post or are currently taking the NPQH
  • Have not withdrawn from the additional support programme previously

Again, you can read more information about the ASO on GOV.UK.

Find out more from Norfolk's Teaching School Hubs on Wednesday 7 July at 4pm.

A reminder that Norfolk County Council is jointly delivering a live webinar on the reformed NPQs alongside Norfolk's Teaching School Hubs, on Wednesday July 7th at 4pm. There is still time to sign up for this free event - get your ticket using this Eventbrite link.

You can also contact your Teaching School Hub directly for further details: