Management Information Sheet

Letter to parents and students about 16-17 vaccinations

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:137/21
Publication Date:03/09/2021
LA Contact:John Crowley (01603 222557)
Audience:All settings with 16 and 17 year olds
Links:Letter to 16 17 yr old students re vaccinations - Norfolk.pdf
Letter to parents re vaccinations for 16 17 year olds - Norfolk.pdf

Letter to parents and students about 16-17 vaccinations

As you are probably aware - all 16 and 17 year olds are now able to be vaccinated at walk-in centres across Norfolk. Please see the attached letters from Rebecca Hulme and John Crowley which you may want to include in communications to your students and parents to encourage take up of this offer in September for those who have not yet been vaccinated.

These letters were sent in an email on 25 August to schools with post 16, colleges and other providers, plus 17 year old NEET. To ensure the email reached schools during the school holidays a copy was sent to multiple email addresses for each educational establishment. We are including it here for additional exposure and for information for those who did not see the email.