Management Information Sheet - dormant accounts, renewal cards, logging in

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:176/21
Publication Date:01/10/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:James Stanford (0160322550)
Audience:Schools Finance - dormant accounts, renewal cards, logging in

For all users:

Barclays no longer issues renewal cards for user records that are left dormant. This means that if your record becomes dormant you will not receive a replacement card when yours expires.

To ensure your record remains active please log on to at least every 2-3 months.

It is important that we all do this, especially those with access as a backup for their area who rarely log on (if at all).

If your record becomes dormant and your current card expires then you would need to request a replacement card from the Banking and Treasury team. This not only causes a delay to you and your service in waiting for the card and pin to arrive, but NCC will also incur a cost for the replacement card whereas auto renewal cards are free.

A reminder also about the message on homepage regarding logging on via Barclays iPortal. Please ignore this message for now and continue to log in via the homepage. There are no plans for Barclays to remove login in via the homepage in the coming months and the Banking and Treasury team will be in touch with you ahead of any changes affecting NCC users.

Please also remember to log in using Internet Explorer as other browsers such as Chrome and Microsoft Edge will not work as they are currently unsupported for NCC users.

Thank you for your time and cooperation with this.