Management Information Sheet

Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:196/21
Publication Date:29/10/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Big Norfolk Holiday Fun team
Audience:All schools

Big Norfolk Festive Holiday Fun

After the success of our Summer HAF scheme we're pleased to say that plans are already underway for the Festive holiday activity scheme. The activity scheme is due to run during the Christmas holidays for 4 days from 20-23 December for children aged 5-16 who are eligible for free school meals. The scheme will combine lots of fun activities to help keep children and young people busy before Christmas.

We know it's been an incredibly busy year for schools and we really appreciate all your help and support this year promoting the activities to children during the Easter and Summer holidays. Parent feedback tells us that the children really enjoyed the activities they attended but that being able to offer activities across more locations and venues across Norfolk would make it even better.

Activity providers are looking for venues in your area

We're continually looking to grow the number of venues able to provide activities to children across Norfolk and we'd really like to extend that invitation to schools. We know that offering additional activities during the Christmas holidays is a tricky balancing act and we don't expect you to do this by yourselves.

We have a number of providers who have expressed an interest in offering activities during 20-23 December and if possible we would like to work with schools to offer these on your school premises. We can work with you to minimise staffing requirements over the holidays whilst ensuring that you are able to influence the offer to your pupils.

The activities would need to be run over a minimum of 2 days and this is flexible within the 4-day period of 20-23 December. It's a great chance to offer new skills, enriching activities and learning opportunities to your pupils. Whilst we can fund places for eligible children, paid-for places could be added for any non-eligible children who could benefit form attending.

We have already had a number of schools step forward to offer their help and we welcome more schools to get in touch. If you're able to offer your school as a venue we can match a provider who can work with you to make this happen.

Please get in touch with us today, if you are interested in signing up or have any questions, at

Thanks as always for supporting us in getting messages about the holiday scheme out to eligible families, we really appreciate your help. We will be in contact with you again in respect of how you can best encourage and support families to participate.

Looking forward to a fun and active festive period.

Kind regards

Chris Snudden
Direction of Inclusion and Learning
Norfolk County Council

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