Management Information Sheet

Budget Proposal re: Education Library Service

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:209/21
Publication Date:12/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Jill Terrell
Audience:Headteachers / principals / Librarians / English leads

Budget Proposal re: Education Library Service

I would like to start by thanking you for your interest and support of the Education Library Service (ELS). I know that many of you buy services from us and others have been interested in occasional support packages. The use of the service has been in steady decline over several years, and now, with fewer than 14% of Norfolk schools buying in to the service, it is with regret that I write to let you know that it is no longer financially viable.

I am sure you are aware of the financial challenge that faces the County Council, there is a £39 million budget gap next year, of which the Community and Environmental Services Department (under which the libraries operate) has a saving of £2.961 million to achieve. In addition, there is a further recurrent saving of £5 million being asked of executive directors.

For this reason, we are proposing to remove the subsidy for the ELS. This would mean that the service, including the specialist mobile library visits to schools, would come to an end. The wider public mobile library service, which stops near several schools, will continue to visit. This is one of several savings proposals within the Cabinet budget papers, which you can read here on the website. Norfolk County Council will be launching a consultation on the overall budget at the end of the month.

I want to emphasise that no matter what the outcome, we remain committed to reading for pleasure, to support wider levels of attainment and well-being. The service has an ambition for every child to be a library member and more confident reader, and in March 2021 Norfolk County Council took the decision to remove all overdue charges and fines for children under the age of 16. This month launches 'Story Explorers', a new early year's literacy initiative, and earlier this year, more than 7,000 children took part in the Summer Reading Challenge. We welcome your ongoing support in promoting these literacy initiatives, alongside the brilliant work you and your teachers do in supporting children's reading.

There are many ways we continue to support schools with reading and literacy programmes, including hosting school visits at local libraries, offering eLite membership for digital content, and referring to colleagues in Children's Services for a wide range of teacher support packages and advice. If you would like further information about services available at your local library and / or would like to comment on ideas in ways in which we can support you, please see our website or contact

Kind regards,

Jill Terrell
Head of Norfolk and Library Information Service

Chris Snudden
Director of Learning and Inclusion