Management Information Sheet

Support for Children and Young People (CYP) on the Speech and Language Therapy Support waiting list

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:210/21
Publication Date:12/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Rachel Didwell
Audience:All schools
Links:Norfolk and Waveney Speech and Language Therapy Service Update NOV 2021.pdf

Support for Children and Young People (CYP) on the Speech and Language Therapy Support waiting list

What is happening for children and young people waiting for Speech and Language Therapy Assessment?

The Norfolk and Waveney Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service has agreed a plan to support children and young people on the waiting list. The plan ensures that all families on the waiting list will be contacted as soon as possible, offered signposting to self-care support and/or professional input as required, and that children assessed as having a high clinical need are identified and prioritised for a full SaLT assessment.

Why is this happening?

  • To provide a more timely support going forward
  • To ensure a consistent approach, driven by clinical need
  • To ensure people understand the support available for Children and young people who have been waiting for Speech and Language therapy
  • To empower service users to self-care and/or identify that they need further support
  • To co-produce plans for individuals
  • To support the development of a whole system approach to complement a specialist SaLT offer

What to expect if you are an early years setting or school

  • You will receive a letter from the service with a virtual appointment for all CYP attending your setting
  • With this letter you will receive a questionnaire regarding each CYP's current Speech Language and Communication Needs, please complete this for each CYP prior to your appointment
  • Please liaise with parents/carers before the appointment and share the questionnaire with them
  • This virtual appointment will be a chance to discuss all CYP in your setting/school that are on our current waiting list (please ring JON 0300 300 0123 if you have a queries regarding a a CYP not on our assessment waiting list). Please plan how you want to structure this time
  • You can invite parents/carers to join any discussion about their CYP - you will need to plan a specific time for this within your appointment time slot.
  • You/your staff will jointly agree a plan for each CYP, identifying what support package they need
  • A written summary will be provided for every CYP
  • You will be directed to online resources to support and recommendations
  • Any follow up appointments will be booked to take place over the next term

What to expect for children and young people not attending an early years setting or school

  • The service will phone the CYP parents/carers to agree a convenient appointment time
  • The parent/carer will receive a letter confirming the appointment and questionnaire regarding their child's current Speech Language and Communication Needs to complete before the appointment
  • A therapist will discuss the parents concerns and child's communication skills during the virtual appointment
  • The therapist and parent/carer will agree a plan for their child identifying what support package they need
  • A written summary will be provided to the parent/carer (and referrer if different)
  • Parents/carers will be directed to online resources to support recommendations
  • Any follow up appointments will be booked to take place over the next term

What you can do to help

  • Plan how you want structure the appointment so you have the right people there to discuss each child
  • Take the time to complete the questionnaire for each child, this will really help guide the conversation and get the most out of the appointment

What we will do to help

  • Work with you to plan what support is best for each individual child
  • Signpost you to free training and on line resources relevant to each CYP
  • If a CYP needs any follow up appointment we will book them in over the next term

Improving the way we support children with SLCN in Norfolk and Waveney

Over the coming year Cambridge Community Service Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service will be leading a system redesign for children and young people in Norfolk and Waveney who have Speech Language and Communication needs. This will be co-produced with involvement from parent/carers and professional colleagues. Watch this space for further information.