Management Information Sheet

Capita Updata Infrastructure Connectivity - Volunteers required to shape the future

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:213/21
Publication Date:19/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Tanya Allen
Audience:Headteachers, SLT, IT Managers, Governors

Capita Updata Infrastructure Connectivity - Volunteers required to shape the future

The current Updata Infrastructure contract, which provides broadband connectivity to over 250 schools and academies is due to expire on 31 March 2024. Due to infrastructure changes, it will not be possible to continue with the Capita Updata service in its current format after this date.

Although this seems a long way away, Norfolk County Council (NCC) ICT Solutions are already beginning to review options for providing connectivity to schools and academies post April 2024.

We have considered three options:

  1. Procure a single supplier to provide connectivity
  2. Implementing a Multi Broadband supplier framework for you to select from, to ensure you continue to get the best deal for your local area
  3. Withdraw from offering connectivity contracts via NCC, leaving schools to procure their own solutions

Our preferred solution is option 2, so we are working on a Statement of Requirement (SOR) with our procurement team and would like to set up a user group meeting to collect feedback from yourselves as to what your future connectivity needs are, to ensure these are captured in the requirements.

We are proposing to hold the meeting early- or mid-December to ensure we have our documented requirements completed by end of January 2022 to be able to go to the market between February and May 2022.

Being part of the user group will involve attending virtual meetings and input to the following areas:

  • Your future connectivity requirements for education
  • Your future upload and or download requirements as services using the internet have increased significantly
  • Safety and security requirements such as filtering
  • Additional features as part of the package such as remote access products
  • Your support requirements
  • Contract length
  • Any other feedback

We would like representatives from Primary, Special, Secondary and Academy Trusts to be included, regardless of whether you have a Capita Updata contract or not.

If you would like to be part of this group, please email so we can add you to the invitation.